Victim Running For Victimized And Prevention

.jpg photo of Child Abuse advocate raising money to fight Abuse
Christian Griffith is running 3,000 miles from New York to San Francisco to raise $1 million for “Help for Children”.

Man running coast to coast to raise
awareness about Child Abuse stops in STL

ST. LOUIS, MO  –  A man who is running across the country to spread awareness about child abuse spoke in St. Louis Monday.

Christian Griffith is running 3,000 miles from New York to San Francisco.  He was a victim of child abuse as a teenager.

He is now running to raise $1 million for “Help for Children,” an organization dedicated to helping those abused and child abuse prevention.

“Help for Children is working on preventing this from happening to kids in the first place,” said Griffith.

So far he has run 800 miles and raised $200,000.

He heads back to Chicago on Tuesday where he will resume his journey.