All posts by Blackhorn33

I am Comanche - Irish, a half-breed that's Full Blooded American. My motto is: "Ignorance is one thing but stupidity is unacceptable!" ~ I live my life as it is given.... One Breath at a Time ~ ____________________________________________ Born and raised in Sweetwater Texas, and attended school in Sweetwater thru my Junior year. ____________________________________________ Graduated at H Grady Spruce High, Dallas, Texas ____________________________________________ Eastfield College, Dallas, Texas Helped organize Collegiate Level Soccer Team History Major, 4.0 GPA ____________________________________________ Texas State Technical College, West Texas Campus - Electric Theory - AC/DC, High/Low Voltage. - Electronics Theory, PCB Technology, Laser Theory and Technology. ~ Certified Electronics Technician ~ - Telecommunications Technology - Telephony Systems, Computer Networking, Computer Networking Security. - Computer Maintenance Technology - Computer Theory, Computer Protocol, Programmable Controllers, Computer Security, TCP/IP Model, OSI Model, OSI Model Protocols ~ EET TCC ~ ~ AAS - CMT GPA 3.9 ~ ____________________________________________ Master Carpenter OSHA 10 Hour OSHA 40 Hour HAZMAT 40 Hour Certified Senior Life Guard Certified in Life Saving Certified Diver - NASDS ____________________________________________ Computer and Networking Professional Computer and Networking Security Specialist ____________________________________________ -- Retired -- Donate all my time for the good of others, Children - by donation, educating parents, the public. Senior Citizens - Senior Veterans - Computer, Security ____________________________________________ -- Contributor for Microsoft Corp Community Forums -- -- Contributor for Adobe Systems Community Forums -- -- Contributor for T-Mobile USA Inc Community Forums -- -- Contributor for BlackBerry Community Forums -- ____________________________________________ NOT IN MY WORLD!!!! My Brother's Keeper Co-Founder, Administrator, Webmaster ~ Overcoming Child Abuse, Indifference, and Violence with Faith, Knowledge, and Dedication ~ ____________________________________________

Teacher Not Reported For Child Sex Abuse

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Teacher remained in classroom seven years after the investigation.

District wastes $369,000 fighting
Child Abuse disclosure

East Bay Times, California  –  Let the case of Bay Area News Group vs. Mt. Diablo Unified School District serve as a reminder to all government officials that compliance with the state Public Records Act is not optional.

They have a responsibility to provide public documents, and there are consequences if they don’t.  If officials don’t understand the importance of transparency, they should quit.

At issue in the Mt. Diablo case was reporter Matthias Gafni’s request in 2013 for a 2006 investigation report pertaining to teacher Joseph Martin.

The report raised the issue of child abuse, but police were never notified.  Martin remained in the classroom another seven years after the investigation, before he was arrested and later convicted of molesting students.

For 2 1/2 years, the district fought release of the document.  Finally, in January, a judge ordered it made public, and the district was threatened with a contempt motion if it didn’t comply.

After losing the litigation, the district this month had to send our lawyer, Duffy Carolan, a $225,000 check to cover our legal expenses.  In addition, the district spent $134,000 for its attorney, Kevin Gilbert.

Mt. Diablo school Trustees Linda Mayo, Cheryl Hansen, Brian Lawrence, Barbara Oaks and Debra Mason owe taxpayers, parents, teachers, students and voters an explanation of why they wasted $369,000 of public money in a futile attempt to keep the report hidden.  That money could have funded four classroom teachers for a year.

For his part, Gilbert managed to supplement his billable hours, first at the Meyers Nave law firm and later at Lozano Smith.  He, too, owes an explanation of why he pursued such a misguided and costly legal strategy.

He will undoubtedly try to hide behind attorney-client privilege to avoid explaining the logic.  But trustees can, and should, waive that privilege.

The public is entitled to see reports that find employee wrongdoing.

In the 2006 findings, investigator Mark S. Williams, an attorney hired by the district, warned that “this report would not be honest and its conclusions not fully supported if I did not report that the circumstances surrounding these allegations did not at least suggest the subject matter of potential child abuse.”

The district’s leading argument for secrecy was that the report was legal advice protected by attorney-client privilege.  But that privilege doesn’t apply if Williams was acting as an investigator, which he was, and any privilege would be waived if the district shared the report with others, which it did.

Then, there’s the big question of why, after the investigator warned of potential child abuse, no one called police as the law requires.  For that, we still haven’t received a good answer.

We Appreciate You Sue!!!!

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Katrina Flores-Kennedy, 27

Woman arrested in Child Abuse case

LOCHBUIE, Colorado – A child seen being abused in a video shared widely on social media is now in protective custody and his mother in jail.

A Lochbuie woman identifying herself only as Sue, said she reported the abuse to police nine days after recording Katrina Flores-Kennedy on April 30.

The dark, cell phone video is disturbing.  The screams of who Lochbuie police believe is Flores-Kennedy can be heard yelling at her toddler son about a lost phone charger.

The boy, wearing a t-shirt and diaper, can be seen crying as his mother yells at him and hits him.

Sue did not want to appear on camera or give her full name, fearing for her safety after posting the video.

“I was only trying to help.  I know everybody’s seen (it), and everybody’s making it like I’m a monster for recording it, but they don’t understand the situation and the circumstances,” she said.

Sue explained she didn’t step in to help the child out of fear and did what she thought was best.

“She was still in my home.  I was scared.  I was terrified.  I didn’t know what to do,” she said.

Flores-Kennedy and her son were temporarily staying in Sue’s home at the time.  Now, the boy is in protective custody but only after Sue said she posted the video online when she didn’t think police were taking action to protect the child.

Sue’s sister said the family is getting death threats.

“It’s extremely hard.  People don’t know the emotional effects that we’re going through being the ones who put it out there.  But nobody wanted to see that baby hurt anymore and if this is what it takes, so what if the world hates us.  At least that baby is saved,” her sister said.

The 27-year-old mother is charged with three counts of child abuse.

She appeared in court by jailhouse video Thursday afternoon.  A judge ordered a $3,000 bond, and is keeping Flores-Kennedy from contacting her son or anyone under the age of 18.  She will be back in court next Friday.

The woman who recorded the video was also cited for child abuse. Late Wednesday night around 10:40 p.m., Lochbuie police officers wrote Sue a citation.  She said she will fight those charges.

Facebook Child Abuse Video

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Facebook video of Colorado Child Abuse

DA investigating Facebook video of alleged
Child Abuse

Weld County, Colorado  –  Authorities are investigating a video posted on Facebook that allegedly shows a Colorado toddler being abused.

Several people emailed the video to Denver7 concerned about the welfare of the child.

Denver police told Denver7 that detectives investigated the video Tuesday, determined the incident happened in Lochbuie and contacted authorities there.

Aurora police said its detectives also investigated.  They posted on Facebook, “APD began investigating this as soon as we were made aware of the video and discovered that this act of abuse did not take place in Aurora and that it occurred in Weld County.”

Lochbuie Police Chief told Denver7, “The case has been forwarded to the district attorney’s office for prosecution.”

Police were unable to release the child’s age or current situation.

“We ask that if you have access to this video that you do not share it on social media to respect the privacy of the young victim in this case,” Aurora police said.

Denver7 is not sharing the video, or the names of those involved, to protect the child and the child’s identity.

Transgender: Whims, Fantasies, Child Abuse

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Gender Dysphoria

College of Pediatricians Calls Transgender Ideology ‘Child Abuse’

The American College of Pediatricians warns educators and legislators that “a life of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex” is dangerous for children.

In a strongly worded statement issued today, the professional association of pediatricians says “a person’s belief that he or she is something they are not is, at best, a sign of confused thinking.”  It describes such thinking as problem that exists in the mind and not the body and “it should be treated as such.”

The college of pediatricians is joining a heated debate that increasingly pits concerned parents against school teachers, administrators, legislators, and transsexual advocates who are pushing the trans agenda in grade-schools, city governments, state governments, and the federal government.

A wave of “non-discrimination” bills are appearing around the country that require public women’s restrooms to accommodate men who think they are women and even those who consider themselves “gender non-binary,” that is, men who appear to be men but who say there are neither male or female.

The American College of Pediatricians will release a full statement this summer.  The statement released today explains, “human sexuality is an objective biological binary trait: ‘XY’ and ‘XX’ are genetic markers of health — not genetic markers of a disorder.”

The statement goes on:

The exceedingly rare disorders of sex development (DSDs), including but not limited to testicular feminization and congenital adrenal hyperplasia, are all medically identifiable deviations from the sexual binary norm, and are rightly recognized as disorders of human design.  Individuals with DSDs do not constitute a third sex.

The statement points out that such gender confusion should be treated as a psychological disorder called “gender dysphoria” and is “a recognized mental disorder in the most recent edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association (DSM-V).”

The group is most concerned about the regimen of drugs that are given to children to block puberty.  “Children who use puberty blockers to impersonate the opposite sex will require cross-sex hormones in late adolescence.  Cross-sex hormones (testosterone and estrogen) are associated with dangerous health risks including but not limited to high blood pressure, blood clots, stroke and cancer.”

Rates of suicide among adults who use cross-sex hormones and undergo sex change reassignment surgery are “twenty times greater” than the rest of the population even in such trans-friendly places as Sweden.

The doctors argue that “Conditioning children into believing a lifetime of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex is normal and healthful is child abuse.”

Child Abuse Unimportant To NY Big 3

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Child Abuse unimportant to 3 NY Law Makers

New York State’s big three politicians don’t have time to discuss reforms to
Child Abuse law

See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil — and for good measure — confront no evil.

In other words, Albany’s three men in a room still don’t have time to talk about the rights of child sex abuse victims.

One refused to meet with a sex abuse survivor.  One had no public schedule and his office didn’t return calls.  A third was so annoyed that a reporter dared to ask him about the issue, he made it sound like he was under attack.

“No, stop,” whined Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie (D-Bronx), waving off a Daily News reporter on Wednesday.

The News wanted to know if the Assembly was going to take action on efforts to reform the statute of limitations on child sex abuse. Currently, child sex abuse survivors in New York are unable to bring civil or criminal charges against their abusers after their 23rd birthday.

The legislative session ends on June 16.  Between now and then, lawmakers are generally scheduled to work only three days a week. They’re off Thursday and Friday of this week.

See you on Monday.

Sex abuse survivor and advocate for reform, Kathryn Robb, had no luck with Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan after days of trying to arrange a face-to-face meeting with the Long Island Republican.

After several emails and phone calls with his office, Robb received a rejection through one of Flanagan’s staffers.

“Why can’t he take 10 minutes to meet with us?” Robb asked.

Her frustration was in large part due to her and other advocates’ failed attempt last week to score facetime with Flanagan by showing up at his office.  After a chat with an aide, Robb said she was told she needed to schedule a meeting with Flanagan who wields tremendous influence over what legislation is brought to the Senate floor for a vote.

On Wednesday she got official word that meeting couldn’t happen.

“Senator Flanagan is unable to meet,” staffer Lisa Bruno wrote to Robb, 56.

Robb, who said she and her sister endured sexual abuse at the hands of their brother in the late 1960s and 1970s, asked if there were any other days when Flanagan would be available.  She was instead referred to his senior staff.

“Unfriendly, chilly, very uncooperative — that would be an understatement — to just listen to people talk!” Robb said, describing her interactions with Flanagan’s office.  “This is really significant legislation!”

Flanagan spokesman Scott Reif challenged Robb’s characterization.

“That is absolutely not true — the assertion that anyone was unfriendly, that anyone rejected a meeting,” Reif said

“The meeting was set up for next week,” he added, referring to the sit-down with senior staff, but not Flanagan.

Robb, undaunted, said she would be joined by six other advocates on Monday for a return visit to Albany politicians’ offices.

“We’re really committed.  We’re calling it a civil rights movement for children.  That’s what it is,” Robb said.

A clearly annoyed Heastie dismissed The News’ coverage of the issue as he ducked into his office.

“You guys have already made your opinion known,” he added referring to recent Daily News front pages.

“I have no comment.”

On Tuesday, The News published on its front page the photographs and office numbers of Heastie, Flanagan and Gov. Cuomo, urging New Yorkers to call them and demand action on the statute of limitations.

Heastie has previously told The News he needs to discuss legislation with Assembly Democrats.

Cuomo, whose office has said “those who are guilty of sexual abuse should be held accountable and due process must be maintained,” was not in Albany Wednesday.

His office did not respond to an inquiry from The News.

There are several bills under consideration that would change the state’s statute of limitations on sex abuse claims.

One bill, proposed by Assemblywoman Margaret Markey (D-Queens), would end the statute of limitations for civil lawsuits involving cases of child sexual abuse and allow a one-year window for victims whose cases are currently time-barred to sue.

Another bill would extend the time in which victims can sue from 23 to 28.  A third would eliminate both the civil and criminal statutes of limitations.

There is no time limit in New York State for prosecuting first-degree rape.